Become a Member


As an Association, we identify concerns and opportunities that will enable the industry and your business to flourish.

Make sure that you know what’s going on in your industry—fill out the membership application and become a member of MFGA right now.

Member Benefits

We speak up — The Massachusetts Flower Growers’ Association (MFGA) is the voice of the industry within state government, constantly monitoring proposed changes in laws and regulations that affect us. We are there pre-empting what we can and seeking accommodation as much as possible.

We promote Floriculture as agriculture — Did you know that in terms of the dollar value of production, we are bigger than cranberries, vegetables, or any other agricultural product in the state? MFGA educates local and state officials and consumers about the importance of this industry on the state’s economy.

We offer networking opportunities — MFGA creates many opportunities for networking among Active and Allied Trade members, so they can learn from one another. We bring in expert speakers and offer workshops, but the best education comes from developing business relationships that are mutually beneficial among members. There is immeasurable value to those connections.

We connect you with information you need — We provide a centralized place right here on this website where buyers and sellers can connect for plants and specialty crops. We guide you to financial resources, grants, tax and legal advice, and much more. We are here to answer your questions. Take a few minutes a view the site.

We provide education
 — From getting “continuing education units” to recertify pesticide licenses to providing access to experts and trainers on growing floricultural crops, management, marketing and other aspects of your business, we offer training and education opportunities throughout the year for members.

Member Eligibility

Active Members

Active membership shall be open to all persons within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who own or lease 1,000 sq. ft. of greenhouse space (ex. 20 x 50 sq. ft greenhouse) or a minimum of 1/2 acre of land outdoors devoted to the commercials production of plants and/or flowers. They can be growers and retailers that produce and market bedding plants and/or spring plants, holiday and potted plants, cut flowers (greenhouse or outdoors) perennials, herbs). They can be wholesale growers, garden centers, farmers and farm stand operators or landscaping businesses.

Click here to see a full list of our current Active members.

Allied Trade Members

Allied Trade membership shall be open only to persons or businesses affiliated or related to the flower/plant industry but do not qualify as Active members. These Allied Trade members may be from in or out of state but must support our Massachusetts industry with programs, products or services for growing and marketing plants and/or flowers or provide assistance with business products like insurance or credit.

Click here to see a full list of our current Allied Trade members.

Download our membership application.

Massachusetts Flower Growers' Association