Proven Biological Control Programs for Production of Ornamentals—June 18, 2015
Place: WB Young Bldg., UConn Storrs, CT
Registration deadline – postmarked on or before June 11, 2015
Co-sponsored by UMass Extension Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture Program and UConn Extension Greenhouse IPM Program
For growers of ornamentals in greenhouses, conservatories and outdoor production yards.
- Margery Daughtrey, Cornell University; Biological Controls of Disease: Fungus vs. Fungus in the Greenhouse
- Suzanne Wainwright–Evans, Buglady Consulting; Evaluating Your Biological Control Program: Once you release the good guys, how do you know they are really working?
- Grant Jones, IPM Specialist, Longwood Gardens; Implementing a Biological Control Program at Longwood Gardens in their conservatory and production greenhouses.
- Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, Buglady Consulting; Using Biological Controls in Outdoor Production
- Grower Panel on IPM & Biologicals: Steven Courcy & Keith Salcines, DS Cole Growers, Loudon, NH & Michael Calhoun, Broken Arrow Nursery, Hamden, CT
Cost: $35, includes lunch, handouts, refreshments and parking
Five Pesticide recertification credits have been approved.
Visit the UMass Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment website for details and a mail-in registration form.
Partial funding for this program is from USDA NIFA Extension Integrated Pest Management Coordination and Support Program.